Pharma Ebooks 2 Page
Hypertension in Pregnancy
| RCOG Press, Published in 2010
Introduction to Human Osteology
Roberta Hall, et al. | ScholarWorks@GVSU, Published in 2010, 131 pages
Establishing Better Standards of Care in Doppler Echocardiography, Computed Tomography and Nuclear Cardiology
Richard M. Fleming | InTech, Published in 2011, 260 pages
Health, United States: With Chartbook on Trends in the Health of Americans
| National Center for Health Statistics, Published in 2017, 488 pages
Guide to Genetics and Health
| Genetic Alliance, Published in 2006, 24 pages
Drug-Acceptor Interactions
Niels Bindslev | Co-Action Publishing, Published in 2008, 428 pages
Internal Medicine Practice Questions
Sunir Kumar (ed.) | Knowmedge, Published in 2013, 183 pages
The Anatomy of the Human Peritoneum and Abdominal Cavity
George. S. Huntington | Lea Brothers & Co., Published in 1903, 294 pages
Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Vikas Chaudhary (ed.) | InTech, Published in 2014, 120 pages
Surgical Anatomy
Joseph Maclise | Blanchard and Lea, Published in 1859, 302 pages
An Overview of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapies for Anxiety and Depressive Disorders
John W Williams, Jr, et al. | Department of Veterans Affairs, Published in 2011, 23 pages
| National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Published in 2018, 353 pages
Cardiac Electrophysiology
| Wikipedia, Published in 2014
The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis
Gail ter Haar (ed.) | The British Institute of Radiology, Published in 2012, 173 pages
Microbial Threats to Health: Emergence, Detection, and Response
Mark S. Smolinski, et al. | National Academies Press, Published in 2006, 398 pages
Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response
| World Health Organization, Published in 2009, 64 pages
Hugo Münsterberg | Moffat, Yard and Co., Published in 1909, 321 pages
Investing in the Health and Well-Being of Young Adults
R.J. Bonnie, C. Stroud, H. Breiner (eds.) | National Academies Press, Published in 2015, 503 pages
Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease
| Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Published in 2016, 1252 pages
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Screening, Management, and Treatment
Douglas C McCrory, et al. | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Published in 2013, 391 pages
Risk Factors For Suicide
| National Academies Press, Published in 2001, 34 pages
Antibiotics and Urinary Tract Infections
Kurt G. Naber, Truls E. Bjerklund Johansen | MDPI AG, Published in 2015, 153 pages
Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
J. Hamborsky, L. McIntyre, C. Wolfe, W. Atkinson | CDC, Published in 2008, 287 pages
Animal Models of Cognitive Impairment
Edward D. Levin, Jerry J. Buccafusco | CRC, Published in 2006, 400 pages
Mental Disorders and Genetics: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Society
| U.S. Government Printing Office, Published in 1994, 62 pages
Understanding Heart Disease
Arthur Selzer | University of California Press, Published in 1992, 325 pages
Yale University School of Medicine Heart Book
Barry L. Zaret, Marvin Moser, Lawrence S. Cohen | William Morrow & Co, Published in 1992, 432 pages
Basal Ganglia: An Integrative View
Fernando A. Barrios, Clemens Bauer (ed.) | InTech, Published in 2013, 116 pages
Manual of Surgery, Volume 1: General Surgery
Alexis Thomson, Alexander Miles | Morrison and Gibb, Published in 1921, 538 pages
Pneumoviruses and Metapneumoviruses
H.F. Rosenberg, J.B. Domachowske | MDPI AG, Published in 2013, 325 pages
Gross Physiology of the Cardiovascular System
Robert M. Anderson | Racquet Press, Published in 1993, 114 pages
Clinical Practice Handbook for Safe Abortion
| World Health Organization, Published in 2014, 72 pages
A Textbook of Gynecology for Less-Resourced Locations
Heleen van Beekhuizen, Regine Unkels (eds) | Sapiens Publishing, Published in 2012, 499 pages
GP Notebook
James McMorran, at al. | Oxbridge Solutions, Published in 2011
Nutrition and Cancer
Vera C. Mazurak (ed.) | MDPI AG, Published in 2018, 216 pages
Intensive Care Units (ICUs): Clinical Outcomes, Costs and Decisionmaking
Robert A. Berenson | U.S. Government Printing Office, Published in 1984, 97 pages
Somchai Amornyotin (ed.) | InTech, Published in 2013, 382 pages
The Human Microbiome, Diet, and Health
L. Pray, L. Pillsbury, E. Tomayko | National Academies Press, Published in 2012, 158 pages
Genetic Disorders
Maria Puiu (ed.) | InTech, Published in 2013, 344 pages
The Epilepsies: Seizures, Syndromes and Management
C.P. Panayiotopoulos | Bladon Medical Publishing, Published in 2004, 542 pages
Health Effects of Electromagnetism
Paul Heroux | McGill University, Published in 2013, 226 pages
Apoptosis and Medicine
Tobias M. Ntuli | InTech, Published in 2012, 276 pages
Diabetes in Pregnancy
| RCOG Press, Published in 2008, 252 pages
Ramesh Madhavan, Shahram Khalid (eds) | InTech, Published in 2013, 238 pages
Ultrasound Imaging
Masayuki Tanabe | InTech, Published in 2011, 210 pages
Preterm Birth: Mother and Child
John C. Morrison | InTech, Published in 2012, 368 pages
Parkinson's Disease: Pathogenesis and Clinical Aspects
Thomas B. Stoker, et al. | Codon Publications, Published in 2018, 194 pages
Short Guide to Hepatitis C
Mauss, Berg, Rockstroh, Sarrazin, Wedemeyer | Flying Publisher, Published in 2011, 129 pages
Menopause A to Z
Warwick Carter | Medwords, Published in 2011, 53 pages
DNA Helicases: Expression, Functions and Clinical Implications
F. Uchiumi, M. Seki, Y. Furuichi | Frontiers Media SA, Published in 2015, 80 pages
Anatomy at a Glance
Omar Faiz, David Moffat | , Published in 2002, 177 pages
Understanding and Preventing AIDS
Chris Jennings | Health Alert Communications, Published in 2013, 67 pages
Strategies to Improve Cardiac Arrest Survival
| National Academies Press, Published in 2015, 456 pages
Guideline: Daily Iron Supplementation in Infants and Children
| World Health Organization, Published in 2016, 54 pages
Comprehensive Cervical Cancer Control: A Guide to Essential Practice
| World Health Organization, Published in 2014, 378 pages
Transcriptional Control of Neural Crest Development
Brian L. Nelms, Patricia A. Labosky | Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences, Published in 2010, 240 pages
Relationships Among the Brain, the Digestive System, and Eating Behavior
| National Academies Press, Published in 2015, 135 pages
Medical Ethics Manual
| World Medical Association, Published in 2015, 140 pages
On Fractures and Dislocations
H. Helferich, J. Hutchinson | New Sydenham Society, Published in 1899, 442 pages
Testing Treatments: Better Research for Better Healthcare
I. Evans, H. Thornton, I. Chalmers, P. Glasziou | Pinter & Martin, Published in 2011, 226 pages
Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging
Avinash C. Kak, Malcolm Slaney | IEEE Press, Published in 1989, 344 pages
Breast Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment
Robyn Dewis, Jonathan Gribbin | National Collaborating Centre for Cancer, Published in 2009, 46 pages
Genethics: Moral Issues in the Creation of People
David Heyd | University of California Press, Published in 1994, 276 pages
Medical Management of the Home Care Patient
Joe W. Ramsdell, et all. | American Medical Association, Published in 2007, 74 pages
Krassimir Metodiev | InTech, Published in 2012, 392 pages
The Gist of Emergency Medicine
Michael Hebb | , Published in 1998, 188 pages
Text-Book of Pediatrics
Emil Feer | J.B. Lippincott Company, Published in 1922, 958 pages
The Challenge of Treating Obesity and Overweight
| National Academies Press, Published in 2017, 117 pages
Fractures In Children
Walter Putnam Blount | Williams & Wilkins Company, Published in 1955, 287 pages
Bipolar Disorder
Richard Morriss, et al. | British Psychological Society, Published in 2018, 390 pages
Core Curriculum On Tuberculosis
| U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Published in 2000
Ocular Diseases
Adedayo Adio (ed.) | InTech, Published in 2012, 186 pages
Philip Rowe | BookBoon, Published in 2012, 147 pages
Public Health Systems and Emerging Infections
Jonathan R Davis, Joshua Lederberg (ed.) | National Academies Press, Published in 2000, 129 pages
Psychological and Pharmacological Treatments for Adults With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Daniel E Jonas et al. | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Published in 2013, 760 pages
The Gastrointestinal Circulation
Peter R. Kvietys | Morgan & Claypool Publishers, Published in 2010, 140 pages
On the Origin of the Human Mind
Andrey Vyshedskiy | MobileReference, Published in 2014, 442 pages
Intrapartum Care
| RCOG Press, Published in 2007, 332 pages
Pulmonary Hypertension
Jean M. Elwing, Ralph J. Panos (eds) | InTech, Published in 2013, 233 pages
High-Resolution Neuroimaging
Ahmet Mesrur Halefoglu (ed.) | InTech, Published in 2018, 174 pages
AIDS: The Making of a Chronic Disease
Elizabeth Fee, Daniel M. Fox | University of California Press, Published in 1991, 417 pages
Respiratory Management of Newborns
Hany Aly, Hesham Abdel-Hady | InTech, Published in 2016, 176 pages
A Framework for Assessing Effects of the Food System
M.C. Nesheim, M. Oria, P.T. Yih (eds.) | National Academies Press, Published in 2015, 445 pages
Facing the Other: Novel Theories and Methods in Face Perception Research
Davide Rivolta, et al. | Frontiers Media SA, Published in 2016, 371 pages
U.S. Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives, Poorer Health
Steven H. Woolf, Laudan Aron (eds.) | National Academies Press, Published in 2013, 404 pages
Some Drugs and Herbal Products
| International Agency for Research on Cancer, Published in 2016, 438 pages
Medicare and You
Centers for Medicare | , Published in 2018, 136 pages
Oral Diabetes Medications for Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: An Update
Wendy L Bennett, et al. | AHRQ, Published in 2011, 649 pages
New Human Physiology
Poul-Erik Paulev | Copenhagen Medical Publishers, Published in 2000
Your Guide to Diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2
| National Institutes of Health, Published in 2008, 76 pages
Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders
Zinet Currimbhoy, Manisha Madkaikar, Mukesh Desai | , Published in 2010, 68 pages
Anxiety Disorders
| National Institute of Mental Health, Published in 2009
Tuberculosis: Practical Guide
F. Varaine, M. Henkens, V. Grouzard | Medecins Sans Frontieres, Published in 2014, 305 pages
Genetic Testing Stories
Nicole Exe, et al. | Genetic Alliance, Published in 2006, 60 pages
Violence and Mental Health
| The National Academies Press, Published in 2018, 173 pages
Help Me Understand Genetics
| Genetics Home Reference, Published in 2009, 146 pages
Research Directions in Tumor Angiogenesis
Jianyuan Chai (ed.) | InTech, Published in 2013, 289 pages
The Handbook of Ocular Disease Management
J. W. Sowka, A. S. Gurwood, A. G. Kabat | Review of Optometry, Published in 2011, 64 pages
Integrated Outpatient Palliative Care in Oncology
Jessica Fulton, et al. | Department of Veterans Affairs, Published in 2017, 95 pages
Regulation of Tissue Oxygenation
Roland N. Pittman | Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences, Published in 2011, 100 pages
ology Critical Care
Jeffrey B. Hoag (ed.) | InTech, Published in 2016, 184 pages
Speech and Language Disorders in Children
Sara Rosenbaum, Patti Simon (eds) | National Academies Press, Published in 2016, 305 pages
Anatomy of the Human Body (20th Edition)
Henry Gray, Warren H. Lewis | Lea & Febiger, Published in 1918, 1404 pages
Atopic Eczema in Children
| RCOG Press, Published in 2007, 220 pages
Statistics at Square One
T D V Swinscow | BMJ Books, Published in 2002, 168 pages
The Theory of Psychoanalysis
C. G. Jung | , Published in 1915, 158 pages
Integrated Care for Older People
| World Health Organization, Published in 2017, 60 pages
Electrochemical Methods for Neuroscience
Adrian C. Michael, Laura Borland | CRC Press, Published in 2007, 544 pages
Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure
National Institutes of Health | International Medical publishing, Published in 2003, 52 pages
Neural Control of Renal Function
Ulla C. Kopp | Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences, Published in 2011, 94 pages
Pain Management and the Opioid Epidemic
| National Academies Press, Published in 2017, 482 pages
Common Mental Health Disorders
| British Psychological Society, Published in 2011, 312 pages
Human Body Maps
| Healthline Networks, Inc., Published in 2013
Radiation Oncology
Brian Cook, Tomas Dvorak | Wikibooks, Published in 2010
The Supreme Triumph of the Surgeon's Art: Narrative History of Endocrine Surgery
M. Zeiger, W. Shen, E. Felger | University of California Medical Humanities Press, Published in 2013, 234 pages
Dengue: Guidelines for Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention and Control
| World Health Organization, Published in 2009, 160 pages
Neurotoxicity: Identifying and Controlling Poisons of the Nervous System
| U.S. Government Printing Office, Published in 1990, 362 pages
When I'm 64
L.L. Carstensen, C.R. Hartel | National Academies Press, Published in 2006, 281 pages
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
| National Institute of Mental Health, Published in 2014, 18 pages
Case Based Pediatrics
Loren G. Yamamoto, at al. | University of Hawaii, Published in 2004, 716 pages
Managing Complications in Pregnancy and Childbirth
| World Health Organization, Published in 2007, 390 pages
Men's Business A to Z
Warwick Carter | Medwords, Published in 2012, 59 pages
Cardiac Surgery in the Adult
Lawrence H. Cohn | McGraw-Hill Professional, Published in 2007, 1704 pages
Robot Surgery
Seung Hyuk Baik | InTech, Published in 2010, 172 pages
Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects
Iris F. F. Benzie, Sissi Wachtel-Galor | CRC Press, Published in 2011, 499 pages
Essentials and Controversies in Bariatric Surgery
Chih-Kun Huang (ed.) | InTech, Published in 2014, 152 pages
Biological Relatives: IVF, Stem Cells, and the Future of Kinship
Sarah B. Franklin | Duke University Press, Published in 2013, 376 pages
What Should We Know About Prevented, Diagnostic, and Interventional Therapy in Coronary Artery Disease
Branislav G. Baskot (ed.) | InTech, Published in 2013, 472 pages
An Introduction to Epilepsy
E. B. Bromfield, J. E. Cavazos, J. I. Sirven | American Epilepsy Society, Published in 2006, 192 pages
Inflammation and the Microcirculation
D. Neil Granger, Elena Senchenkova | Morgan & Claypool Publishers, Published in 2010, 98 pages
Infant Feeding in Areas of Zika Virus Transmission
| World Health Organization, Published in 2016, 42 pages
Operation Theater Techniques: Obstetrics and Gynecology
Shashank V. Parulekar | Project Gutenberg, Published in 2015, 184 pages
Artificial Neural Networks: Methodological Advances and Biomedical Applications
Kenji Suzuki | InTech, Published in 2011, 362 pages
Aim for a Healthy Weight
| National Institutes of Health, Published in 2005, 44 pages
Ectopic Pregnancy and Miscarriage
| RCOG Press, Published in 2012, 287 pages
Eating Disorders
| British Psychological Society, Published in 2004, 261 pages
Paediatric Surgery: A Comprehensive Text For Africa
Emmanuel Ameh, et al. | Global HELP, Published in 2010, 800 pages
Gene Therapy: Developments and Future Perspectives
Chunsheng Kang | InTech, Published in 2011, 356 pages
Glossary of HIV/AIDS-Related Terms
| AIDSinfo, Published in 2015, 212 pages
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma: Diagnosis and Management
| National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Published in 2016, 182 pages
Cystic Fibrosis: Diagnosis and Management
| National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Published in 2017, 769 pages
No Miracle Cures: A Multifactoral Guide to Stuttering Therapy
Thomas David Kehoe | University College Press, Published in 2010, 236 pages
Paediapaedia: An Imaging Encyclopedia of Pediatric Disease
Michael P. D’Alessandro | Virtual Pediatric Hospital, Published in 1997
Transient Loss of Consciousness Management in Adults and Young People
| Royal College of Physicians, Published in 2010, 429 pages
T.A. Brown | Bios Scientific Publishers Ltd, Published in 2002, 608 pages
Critical Care Physiology
Robert H. Bartlett | MPublishing, Published in 2010, 250 pages
Pain Relief: From Analgesics to Alternative Therapies
Cecilia Maldonado | InTech, Published in 2017, 360 pages
Radiation Oncology Physics: A Handbook for Teachers And Students
E. B. Podgorsak (ed.) | International Atomic Energy Agency, Published in 2005, 696 pages
Neural Plasticity and Memory: From Genes to Brain Imaging
Federico Bermudez-Rattoni | CRC Press, Published in 2007, 368 pages
The Cerebral Circulation
Marilyn J. Cipolla | Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences, Published in 2010, 70 pages
New Insights into Anxiety Disorders
Federico Durbano (ed.) | InTech, Published in 2013, 444 pages
Vitamin C and Human Health
Anitra C. Carr, Margreet C. M. Vissers | MDPI AG, Published in 2010, 234 pages
Vascular Surgery
Dai Yamanouchi | InTech, Published in 2012, 262 pages
Balwant Singh Gendeh | InTech, Published in 2012, 198 pages
Essential Drugs: Practical Guidelines
Jacques Pinel, et al. | Medecins sans Frontieres, Published in 2010, 363 pages
Practical Anatomy
David Hayes Agnew | J. B. Lippincott & Co., Published in 1856, 310 pages
Prostate Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment
| National Collaborating Centre for Cancer, Published in 2008, 1144 pages
The Science and Applications of Microbial Genomics
| National Academies Press, Published in 2013, 428 pages
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation
Ronald A. Bergman, Adel K. Afifi, Ryosuke Miyauchi | Anatomy Atlases, Published in 2006
A Comprehensive Textbook of Postpartum Hemorrhage
Sabaratnam Arulkumaran (ed.) | Sapiens Publishing, Published in 2012, 800 pages
Endoplasmic Reticulum and Its Role in Tumor Immunity
Paul Eggleton, et al. | Frontiers Media SA, Published in 2016, 101 pages
Experimental Physiology and Anatomy
Walter Hollis Eddy | American Book Co., Published in 1911, 144 pages
Epidemiology Insights
Maria de Lourdes Ribeiro de Souza da Cunha | InTech, Published in 2012, 396 pages
Bad Bug Book: Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins
| International Medical Publishing, Inc., Published in 2004, 352 pages
Introduction to Scientific Research Projects
Graham Basten | BookBoon, Published in 2010, 51 pages
Drug Addiction Research and the Health of Women
Cora L. Wetherington, Adele B. Roman | National Institutes of Health, Published in 1998, 581 pages
Diverse Functions of Mucosal Resident Memory T Cells
Kimberly Sue Schluns, Kim Klonowski (eds) | Frontiers Media SA, Published in 2015, 88 pages
Multiple Pregnancy
| RCOG Press, Published in 2011, 235 pages
Cancer Care for the Whole Patient
Nancy E. Adler, Ann E. K. Page | National Academies Press, Published in 2008, 456 pages
Basic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Manual
Jose A. Morales Gonzalez (ed.) | InTech, Published in 2013, 82 pages
Margarita Guenova, Gueorgui Balatzenko (eds) | InTech, Published in 2013, 244 pages
Progestogens for Prevention of Preterm Birth
Frances E Likis, et al. | AHRQ, Published in 2012, 363 pages
Vascular Biology of the Placenta
Yuping Wang, Shuang Zhao | Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences, Published in 2010, 100 pages
A Cognitive-behavioral approach: Treating cocaine addiction
Kathleen Carroll | National Institutes of Health, Published in 2000, 137 pages
Surgical Anatomy and Operative Surgery
John J. McGrath | Davis, Published in 1902, 630 pages
First Aid and Beyond
Dan Wolfe | Smashwords, Published in 2014, 574 pages
Farid Badria (ed.) | InTech, Published in 2012, 194 pages
Anatomy Live: Performance and the Operating Theatre
Maaike Bleeker | Amsterdam University Press, Published in 2008, 271 pages
Understanding CLL/SLL Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma
Lymphoma Research Foundation | Smashwords, Published in 2014, 75 pages
| Wikipedia, Published in 2014
Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Adults
Roger Chou, et al. | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Published in 2013, 77 pages
Mechanosensitivity in Cells and Tissues
Andre Kamkin, Irina Kiseleva | Academia Publishing House Ltd., Published in 2005
Obesity: Comfort vs. Discontent
David F. Marks | Smashwords, Published in 2016, 120 pages
One World: The Health and Survival of the Human Species in the 21st Century
Robert Lanza | Booktrope, Published in 2000, 232 pages
Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound
| World Health Organization, Published in 2011, 175 pages
Lateral Interactions in the Cortex: Structure and Function
J. Sirosh, R. Miikkulainen, Y. Choe | UTCS Neural Networks Research Group, Published in 1996
Prostate Cancer
Cem Onal (ed.) | InTech, Published in 2018, 80 pages
Glaucoma: Basic and Clinical Concepts
Shimon Rumelt | InTech, Published in 2011, 590 pages
Review of Clinical and Functional Neuroscience
Rand S. Swenson | Dartmouth Medical School, Published in 2006
Diabetes Control: Preventing Heart Disease and Strokes Naturally
Thomas Nelson | Smashwords, Published in 2013, 55 pages
Bacterial Meningitis and Meningococcal Septicaemia
| RCOG Press, Published in 2010, 276 pages
Pancreatic Cancer and Tumor Microenvironment
Paul J. Grippo, Hidayatullah G. Munshi | Transworld Research Network, Published in 2012
Transfusion Medicine
Osaro Erhabor, Teddy Charles Adias | InTech, Published in 2012, 305 pages
The Dynamic Synapse: Molecular Methods in Ionotropic Receptor Biology
Josef T Kittler, Stephen J Moss | CRC Press, Published in 2006
Regulation of Cardiac Contractility
R. John Solaro | Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences, Published in 2011, 44 pages
AIDS and Behavior: An Integrated Approach
Judith G. Auerbach, at al. | National Academies, Published in 1994, 61 pages
Conventional Warfare: Ballistic, Blast, and Burn Injuries
Ronald F. Bellamy, et al. | Office of the Surgeon General, Published in 1991, 396 pages
AIDS: The Burdens of History
Elizabeth Fee, Daniel M. Fox | University of California Press, Published in 1988, 340 pages
Understanding Anxiety Problems
Terry Dixon | Help-For, Published in 2011, 41 pages
Thyroid Disorders: Focus on Hyperthyroidism
Gonzalo Diaz Soto | InTech, Published in 2014, 278 pages
Human Nutrition
by Alan Titchenal, et al. - University of Hawai'i at Manoa , 2018
This textbook serves as an introduction to nutrition for undergraduate students. The book covers basic concepts in human nutrition, key information about essential nutrients, basic nutritional assessment, and nutrition across the lifespan.
Nutrition and Cancer
by Vera C. Mazurak (ed.) - MDPI AG , 2018
The development and treatment of cancer presents a complex interaction between tumor and host. The provision of nutrients provides substrates and signals for immunity, tumor metabolism and the protection of the host from treatment toxicities.
Egg Consumption and Human Health
by Maria Luz Fernandez (ed.) - MDPI AG , 2018
Eggs can be a highly nutritious food for at-risk populations. This book demonstrates that eggs in addition to being a highly nutritious food, they also provide additional health benefits and should be considered as part of a healthy diet for all.
Nutrition Across the Lifespan for Healthy Aging
- National Academies Press , 2017
The authors examine trends and patterns in aging and factors related to healthy aging in the U. S., with a focus on nutrition, and how nutrition can sustain and promote healthy aging, not just in late adulthood, but extending throughout the lifespan.
Diet and Metabolic Dysfunction
by Gaetano Santulli (ed.) - MDPI AG , 2017
The contributions presented here provide an updated systematic overview examining, in detail, the functional role of different diets and dietary components in maintaining glucose homeostasis and preventing long-term complications.
Fundamentals of Human Nutrition
- Wikibooks , 2015
The aim of this textbook is to provide an open, trustworthy educational resource on international human nutrition. This wikibook is part of the UF Food Science and Human Nutrition Department course, Fundamentals of Human Nutrition.
Nutrition and Celiac Disease
by Carlo Catassi, Alessio Fasano (eds) - MDPI AG , 2010
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder occurring in genetically predisposed individuals, and triggered by the ingestion of dietary gluten. This volume is a summary of contemporary issues on the management of CD and other gluten-related disorders.
Paediatric Nutrition
by Colin Binns, Mi Kyung Lee (eds) - MDPI AG , 2010
Some of the immediate needs to be answered are to define the interactions and outcomes of nutrient levels with future health and disease beyond childhood, epigenetics and nutrients, interactions of nutrients with the human microbiome, etc.